Everyone worked hard to develop a cohesive body of work. The curatorial team began viewing the final selection of the students based on the subject and concept developed over the past few months. Now is the time to organize the exhibition and decide how to hang all those great pictures with very different topics in one room. It was a long productive day and everyone seems to be happy with the results.
Everyone was busy applying the final touches and inspecting the details to get the most out of this valuable experience. The title of each collection was chosen and all the pictures were prepared for printing. Prof. Jörg Winde showed the exhibition plan to the students so that everyone would have a general idea of the space in which his/her work was going to be displayed. Then the staff members and certain students went to photo laboratory to order the prints.
The opening day finally arrived. The printed photos got transported to Negarkhane Honar. The students were put in two groups to hang their pictures and help each other. For some students, this was the first experience in building up an exhibition. Everything went according to the pre-planned timetable and at 5pm everything was ready to start. The curatorial team and the students were quite satisfied with the outcome.