Visiting the Ruhr Area, one thing can’t be avoided. The Zollern Colliery is one of the preserved Collieries and was turned into a museum after closing. During the guided tour, everyone learned about the working conditions and the dangers of working in a cole mine. Also the procedures every miner had to go through every shift and the equipment evolving in time were nicely displayed and an important part of the tours.
Welcoming Dinner Dortmund
The first day is nearly over, but to celebrate the arrival of the Iranian guests a great meal is never wrong. Everyone gathered in a Portuguese restaurant and shared food and the first impressions. Next to a World Cup football game and a lot of food there was finally some time to relaxe and recalibrate.
Arrival of the Iranian students
All Iranian students and the teachers arrived safe and sound at Dusseldorf Airport after an very early flight from Tehran. Prof. Jörg Winde and research assistant Samaneh Khosravi picked them up for a direct transfer to the hostel.
After a short break, the workshop will officially start with a meeting at the design department of University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund.
One last thing!
For the last hours of the Workshop in Tehran, we decided to take a step back and see where we spent the last 10 days. To do so, there is no better place than “The roof of Tehran”. At the foot of the mountain and after 20 minutes of walking, we reached a nice area with a few attractions and probably the best view on a city with 15 million inhabitants.
Finally – The Opening of the Exhibition
People came from everywhere: friends, colleagues, families or just interested persons, to celebrate together with the authors the success of the workshop. The photographic results are amazingly good and all guests as well as members of the photography conference were surprised about the high level of quality of the photographic works.
Preparing the exhibition
Everyone worked hard to develop a cohesive body of work. The curatorial team began viewing the final selection of the students based on the subject and concept developed over the past few months. Now is the time to organize the exhibition and decide how to hang all those great pictures with very different topics in one room. It was a long productive day and everyone seems to be happy with the results.
Looking behind the Scene: Four Positions in Iranian Photography
On Saturday afternoon the symposium Contemporary Iranian Photography took place at Farabi Salon on the campus of University of Art, Tehran, organized by the department of photography. As speakers were invited four Iranian photographers. In the field of documentary photography it was Fatemeh Behboudi and Saeed Faraji, Zeinab Saghafi and Amir Azari were representing fine art and commercial photography. Dr. Neda Amiralaei was overtaking translation and moderation.
Continue reading “Looking behind the Scene: Four Positions in Iranian Photography”
The First Evaluation
The First Evaluation, let’s see how is the project going?
On Thursday morning the students gather at university to show their first attempts to the teachers and also discuss it between the other students. They have already passed three photographic phases during the last days in the huge city of Tehran. Every team worked hard and eagerly to reach the first outcome. There were advises by teachers and from student colleagues paving the way for continuing the work and getting better results.
TWO CITIES Workshop at the University of Art, Tehran
9 months of preparation, 24 students, 2 different countries and 1 vision – Intercultural exchange.
The DAAD funded Workshop TWO CITIES has finally begun. Us, 12 German students from the Dortmund University of applied Sciences and Arts set feet on Iranian ground late on the 29th of April.
Continue reading “TWO CITIES Workshop at the University of Art, Tehran”
Safely arrived at the airport in Tehran
The next student have arrived safely yesterday evening in Tehran after a 5:30h flight from Duesseldorf. They have been picked up by Prof. Jörg Winde and Dr. Mohamad Motarjemzadeh.
Today they are heading to the University of Arts and getting to meet their working partners for the workshop.